what foods using retorts equipment? company news news 诸城市安泰机械有限公司-凯发官网

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      in our daily life there are a lot of food, you can use retorts to sterilization, canning retorts are produced for sterilization, food processing plants now are used to make cans atmospheric boiling heat sterilization treatment of this form of lying retorts, horizontal retorts can be achieved through the introduction of compressed air counter-pressure sterilization. need to be cooled in the pot as required by the pump into the pan on top of water pipe (or using the water system).
when sterilization temperature by heating the can, the pressure within the cans more than the outer pot (the pot) pressure. therefore, in order to avoid the bolipingguan supercharger cover sterilization and jump on the plane protruding ends of tin cans, back pressure must be applied, in particular the need for high temperature sterilization of canned meat more on the case.
sterilization using counter pressure, i.e. with increased pressure of compressed air to the pot to prevent the cans and cans jump convex cover, the operating conditions are as follows: as air is a poor thermal conductor, the status of the steam itself has a certain pressure. therefore, when the temperature in the sterilization process, not into the air, but only when in the heat sterilization temperature is reached before opening the compressed air into the pot, so the pot increased from 0.5 to 0.8 atm. especially after sterilization, when the cooling cooling, the supply of steam, cooling water into the sprinkler pipe. since the pot temperature drops, condensation of steam, compressed air leaving the pot to reduce the pressure force to compensate.
in the sterilization process, should pay attention to the initial discharge, and then vent the steam, the steam circulation. also deflated once every 15-20 minutes to promote heat exchange. in summary must meet the conditions specified sterilization, according to certain procedures, specific provisions sterilization temperature level, the size of the pressure sterilization, sterilization length of time and method of operation, such as canned products by sterilization process.
there are many foods which life can retort equipment, such as: ham, rice pudding, and milk drinks materials, aquatic products, agricultural products, etc., can be used to operate retorts.

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